Source code for nano_llm.agents.video_stream

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging

from nano_llm import Agent

from nano_llm.plugins import VideoSource, VideoOutput
from nano_llm.utils import ArgParser

[docs] class VideoStream(Agent): """ Relay, view, or test a video stream. Use the ``--video-input`` and ``--video-output`` arguments to set the video source and output protocols used from `jetson_utils <>`_ like V4L2, CSI, RTP/RTSP, WebRTC, or static video files. For example, this will capture a V4L2 camera and serve it via WebRTC with H.264 encoding: .. code-block:: text python3 -m nano_llm.agents.video_stream \ --video-input /dev/video0 \ --video-output webrtc://@:8554/output It's also used as a basic test of video streaming before using more complex agents that rely on it. """
[docs] def __init__(self, video_input=None, video_output=None, **kwargs): """ Args: video_input (Plugin|str): the VideoSource plugin instance, or URL of the video stream or camera device. video_output (Plugin|str): the VideoOutput plugin instance, or output stream URL / device ID. """ super().__init__() self.video_source = VideoSource(video_input, **kwargs) self.video_output = VideoOutput(video_output, **kwargs) self.video_source.add(self.on_video, threaded=False) self.video_source.add(self.video_output) self.pipeline = [self.video_source]
def on_video(self, image): logging.debug(f"captured {image.width}x{image.height} frame from {self.video_source.resource}")
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgParser(extras=['video_input', 'video_output', 'log']) args = parser.parse_args() agent = VideoStream(**vars(args)).run()