Source code for nano_llm.agents.web_chat

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import logging
import natsort
import threading
import numpy as np

from nano_llm import StopTokens, BotFunctions, bot_function
from nano_llm.web import WebServer
from nano_llm.utils import ArgParser, KeyboardInterrupt, code_tags, resample_audio
from nano_llm.plugins import AutoASR

from .voice_chat import VoiceChat

[docs] class WebChat(VoiceChat): """ Adds webserver hooks to ASR/TTS voice chat agent and provide web UI. When a multimodal model is loaded, the user can drag & drop images to chat about into the UI. Also supports streaming the client's microphone and output speakers using WebAudio. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Args: upload_dir (str): the path to save files uploaded from the client See :class:`VoiceChat` and :class:`WebServer` for inherited arguments. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) # temp singleton instance until bot_function closures are fixed WebChat.Instance = self # add additional hooks to the voice components if self.asr: self.asr.add(self.on_asr_partial, AutoASR.OutputPartial, threaded=True) #self.asr.add(self.on_asr_final, AutoASR.OutputFinal) self.llm.add(self.on_llm_reply, threaded=True) if self.tts: self.tts_output.add(self.on_tts_samples, threaded=True) # configure system prompt and function calling self._system_instruct = self.llm.history.system_prompt self.enable_autodoc = True self.enable_profile = True self.user_profile = [] # stores info from SAVE() self.llm.functions = BotFunctions() self.generate_system_prompt() # filters for sanitizing chat HTML self.web_regex = [ (re.compile(r'`(.*?)`'), r'<code>\1</code>'), # code blocks (re.compile(r'\*(.*?)\*'), r'*<i>\1</i>*'), # emotives inside asterisks ] for function in self.llm.functions: regex = re.compile(f"({}\(.*?\))") self.web_regex.append((regex, r'<code>\1</code>')) if self.tts: self.tts.filter_regex.append((regex, # create webserver / websocket web_title = kwargs.get('web_title') web_title = web_title if web_title else 'llamaspeak' self.server = WebServer( msg_callback=self.on_message, model_name=os.path.basename(, title=web_title, **kwargs )
[docs] def on_message(self, msg, msg_type=0, metadata='', **kwargs): """ Websocket message handler from the client. """ if msg_type == WebServer.MESSAGE_JSON: if 'chat_history_reset' in msg: #self.llm('/reset') self.generate_system_prompt(force_reset=True) if 'client_state' in msg: if msg['client_state'] == 'connected': client_init_msg = { 'system_prompt': self.llm.history.system_prompt, 'bot_functions': BotFunctions.generate_docs(spec=self.llm.history.template.tool_spec, prologue=False, epilogue=False), 'user_profile': '\n'.join(self.user_profile), } if self.tts: voices = self.tts.voices if len(voices) > 20: voices = natsort.natsorted(voices) speakers = self.tts.speakers if len(speakers) > 20: speakers = natsort.natsorted(speakers) client_init_msg.update({ 'tts_voice': self.tts.voice, 'tts_voices': voices, 'tts_speaker': self.tts.speaker, 'tts_speakers': speakers, 'tts_rate': self.tts.rate }) self.server.send_message(client_init_msg) threading.Timer(1.0, lambda: self.send_chat_history()).start() if 'system_prompt' in msg: self.generate_system_prompt(msg['system_prompt']) if 'function_calling' in msg: self.llm.history.functions = BotFunctions() if msg['function_calling'] else None self.generate_system_prompt() if 'function_autodoc' in msg: self.enable_autodoc = msg['function_autodoc'] self.generate_system_prompt() if 'user_profile' in msg: self.user_profile = [x.strip() for x in msg['user_profile'].split('\n')] self.user_profile = [x for x in self.user_profile if x] self.generate_system_prompt() if 'enable_profile' in msg: self.enable_profile = msg['enable_profile'] self.generate_system_prompt() if 'tts_voice' in msg and self.tts: self.tts.voice = msg['tts_voice'] self.server.send_message({'tts_speaker': self.tts.speaker, 'tts_speakers': self.tts.speakers}) if 'tts_speaker' in msg and self.tts: self.tts.speaker = msg['tts_speaker'] if 'tts_rate' in msg and self.tts: self.tts.rate = float(msg['tts_rate']) elif msg_type == WebServer.MESSAGE_TEXT: # chat input self.on_interrupt() self.prompt(msg.strip('"')) elif msg_type == WebServer.MESSAGE_AUDIO: # web audio (mic) if self.vad: self.vad(msg, sample_rate=48000) elif msg_type == WebServer.MESSAGE_IMAGE:"recieved {metadata} image message {msg.size} -> {msg.filename}") self.llm(['/reset', msg.filename]) threading.Timer(0.1, self.send_chat_history).start() else: logging.warning(f"WebChat agent ignoring websocket message with unknown type={msg_type}")
[docs] @bot_function() def SAVE(text=None): """ SAVE("<insert info here>") - save information about the user, for example SAVE("Mary likes to garden") """ self = WebChat.Instance if text: text = text.strip() if text and text.lower() != "info": # sometimes the bot likes to call it like an example self.user_profile.append(text) log_msg = f"Saved to user profile: '{text}'" logging.warning(log_msg) self.server.send_message({'user_profile': '\n'.join(self.user_profile)}) self.server.send_alert(log_msg, category='user_profile', level='success')
@property def system_prompt(self): """ Get the instruction prologue of the system prompt, before functions or RAG are added. """ return self._system_instruct @system_prompt.setter def system_prompt(self, instruction): """ Set the instruction prologue of the system prompt, before functions or RAG are added. """ self.generate_system_prompt(instruction)
[docs] def generate_system_prompt(self, instruct=None, enable_autodoc=None, enable_profile=None, force_reset=False): """ Assemble the system prompt from the instruction prologue, function docs, and user profile. """ if instruct is None: instruct = self._system_instruct else: self._system_instruct = instruct if enable_autodoc is None: enable_autodoc = self.enable_autodoc if enable_profile is None: enable_profile = self.enable_profile system_prompt = [instruct] #if enable_autodoc and self.llm.functions: # system_prompt.append("\n" + BotFunctions.generate_docs()) if enable_profile and self.user_profile: system_prompt.append( "\n".join(["\nHere are the things you previously saved about the user:\n"] + \ ["* " + x for x in self.user_profile if x] )) system_prompt = "\n".join(system_prompt) if force_reset or system_prompt != self.llm.history.system_prompt: self.llm.history.system_prompt = system_prompt self.llm.history.reset() if hasattr(self, 'server'): # server may not be created yet threading.Timer(0.1, self.send_chat_history).start() return system_prompt
[docs] def on_asr_partial(self, text): """ Update the web chat history when a partial ASR transcript arrives. """ self.send_chat_history() threading.Timer(1.5, self.on_asr_waiting, args=[text]).start()
[docs] def on_asr_waiting(self, transcript): """ If the ASR partial transcript hasn't changed, probably a misrecognized sound or echo (cancel it) """ if self.asr_history == transcript: logging.warning(f"ASR partial transcript has stagnated, dropping from chat ({self.asr_history})") self.asr_history = None self.send_chat_history() # drop the rejected ASR from the client
[docs] def on_llm_reply(self, text): """ Update the web chat history when the latest LLM response arrives. """ self.send_chat_history()
[docs] def on_tts_samples(self, audio, sample_rate=None, **kwargs): """ Send audio samples to the client when they arrive. """ webaudio_rate = 48000 if sample_rate is not None and sample_rate != webaudio_rate: audio = resample_audio(audio, sample_rate, webaudio_rate, warn=self) self.server.send_message(audio, type=WebServer.MESSAGE_AUDIO)
[docs] def send_chat_history(self): """ Sanitize the chat history for HTML and send it to the client. """ history, num_tokens, max_context_len = self.llm.chat_state if self.asr and self.asr_history: history.append({'role': 'user', 'text': self.asr_history}) def web_text(text): for stop_token in StopTokens: text = text.replace(stop_token, '') text = text.strip() text = text.strip('\n') if text.find('<tool_call>') == 0: text = text.replace('\n', '') text = text.replace('<s>', '') text = text.replace('&', '&amp;') text = text.replace('<', '&lt;') text = text.replace('>', '&gt;') text = text.replace('\\n', '\n') text = text.replace('\n', '<br/>') text = text.replace('\\"', '\"') text = text.replace("\\'", "\'") for regex, replace in self.web_regex: text = regex.sub(replace, text) text = code_tags(text) return text def web_image(image): if not isinstance(image, str): if not hasattr(image, 'filename'): return None image = image.filename return os.path.join(self.server.mounts.get(os.path.dirname(image), ''), os.path.basename(image)) for entry in history: if 'text' in entry: entry['text'] = web_text(entry['text']) if 'image' in entry: entry['image'] = web_image(entry['image']) self.server.send_message({ 'chat_history': history, 'chat_stats': { 'num_tokens': num_tokens, 'max_context_len': max_context_len, } })
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the webserver & websocket listening in other threads. """ super().start() self.server.start() return self
Instance = None # singleton instance
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgParser(extras=ArgParser.Defaults+['asr', 'tts', 'audio_output', 'web']) args = parser.parse_args() agent = WebChat(**vars(args)) interrupt = KeyboardInterrupt()