#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
import datetime
import torch
import numpy as np
from ..utils import ImageExtensions, ImageTypes, print_table
class ChatMessage():
Create a chat entry consisting of a text message, image, ect as input.
role (str): The chat's turn template to apply, typically 'user' or 'bot'.
The role should have a corresponding entry in the active ChatTemplate.
text (str): String containing the message's content for text messages.
image (str|image): Either a np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, cudaImage, PIL.Image,
or a path to an image file (.jpg, .png, .bmp, ect)
kwargs: For messages with alternate content types, pass them in via kwargs
and they will automatically be determined like so::
message = ChatMessage(role='user', audio='sounds.wav')
There are additional lower-level kwargs that can be set below.
use_cache (bool): cache the tokens/embeddings for reused prompts (defaults to false)
tokens (list[int] or np.ndarray): the message contents already having been tokenized
embedding (np.ndarray): the message contents already having been embedded
history (ChatHistory): the ChatHistory object this message belongs to
def __init__(self, role='user', text=None, image=None, **kwargs):
#: The content or media contained in the message
self.content = None
#: The type of the message ('text', 'image', 'audio', ect)
self.type = None
#: The user role or character ('user', 'assistant', 'system', ect)
self.role = role
#: The version of this message with the role template applied
self.template = None
#: The tokenized version of the message
self.tokens = kwargs.get('tokens', None)
#: The embedding of the message
self.embedding = kwargs.get('embedding', None)
#: The ChatHistory object this message belongs to
self.history = kwargs.get('history', None)
#: Set to true if the tokens/embeddings should be cached for reused prompts
self.use_cache = kwargs.get('use_cache', False)
#: Set to true if the message is already in the chat embedding
self.cached = kwargs.get('cached', self.tokens or self.embedding)
#: The index of this message in the chat history
self.index = None
#: The previous message in the chat history
self.prev = None
#: The next message in the chat history
self.next = None
# Determine the message type
if text is not None:
self.content = text
self.type = 'text'
elif image is not None:
self.content = image
self.type = 'image'
for key, value in kwargs.items():
content_type = self.content_type(value)
if content_type:
self.type = content_type
self.content = value
if self.type is None:
raise ValueError(f"couldn't find valid message content in {kwargs}, please specify its type")
# Apply variable substitutions
def num_tokens(self):
Return the number of tokens used by this message.
embed() needs to have been called for this to be valid.
if self.tokens is not None:
if isinstance(self.tokens, (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)):
return self.tokens.shape[1]
elif isinstance(self.tokens, list):
return len(self.tokens)
raise TypeError(f"ChatMessage had tokens with invalid type ({type(self.tokens)})")
elif self.embedding is not None:
return self.embedding.shape[1]
return 0
def start_token(self):
The token offset or position in the chat history at which this message begins.
offset = 0
for i in range(0, self.index):
offset += self.history[i].num_tokens
return offset
def content_type(content):
Try to automatically determine the message content type.
if isinstance(content, str):
if content.endswith(ImageExtensions):
return 'image'
return "text"
elif isinstance(content, ImageTypes):
return 'image'
return None
def is_type(self, type):
Return true if the message is of the given type (like 'text', 'image', ect)
return (self.type == type)
def apply_substitutions(self, substitutions=None):
Apply variable substitutions to the message content, like "Today's date is ${DATE}".
This is separate from the templating that occurs with the special tokens & separators.
if self.type != 'text' or self.cached or substitutions is False:
if isinstance(substitutions, dict):
for key, value in substitutions.items():
self.content = self.content.replace(key, value)
if "${DATE}" in self.content:
self.content = self.content.replace("${DATE}", datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
if "${TIME}" in self.content:
self.content = self.content.replace("${TIME}", datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%-I:%M %p"))
if "${TOOLS}" in self.content:
from nano_llm import BotFunctions
self.content = self.content.replace("${TOOLS}", BotFunctions.generate_docs(spec=self.history.template.tool_spec))
if "${LOCATION}" in self.content:
from nano_llm.plugins.bot_functions.location import LOCATION
self.content = self.content.replace("${LOCATION}", LOCATION())
def embed(self, return_tensors='np', **kwargs):
Apply message templates, tokenization, and generate the embedding.
if self.embedding is not None:
return self.embedding
if self.tokens is not None and not self.history.model.has_embed:
if isinstance(self.tokens, list):
self.tokens = np.expand_dims(np.asarray(self.tokens, dtype=np.int32), axis=0)
return self.tokens
if self.history is None:
raise RuntimeError("this message needs to be added to a ChatHistory before embed() is called")
# lookup the role template to apply
first_msg = 1 if 'system' in self.history.template else 0
role = 'first' if 'first' in self.history.template and self.index == first_msg else self.role
if role not in self.history.template:
raise RuntimeError(f"chat template {self.history.template.get('name', '')} didn't have a role defined for '{entry.role}' (had keys: {self.history.template.keys()})")
# extract template prefix/postfix
template = self.history.template[role]
split_template = template.split('${MESSAGE}')
if len(split_template) == 1: # there was no ${MESSAGE}
if self.prev and self.prev.role == self.role:
split_template[0] = ''
if self.next and self.next.role == self.role:
split_template[1] = ''
# embed based on media type
if self.type == 'text':
self._embed_text(self.history.model, split_template, return_tensors=return_tensors, **kwargs)
elif self.type == 'image':
self._embed_image(self.history.model, split_template, return_tensors=return_tensors, **kwargs)
# mark as cached
self.cached = True
if self.embedding is not None:
return self.embedding
if self.tokens is not None:
return self.tokens
def _embed_text(self, model, template, return_tensors='np', **kwargs):
Generate the token embeddings for a text message.
self.template = template[0] + self.content + template[1]
if self.tokens is not None:
if model.has_embed:
self.embedding = model.embed_tokens(self.tokens, return_tensors=return_tensors, **kwargs)
self.embedding, self.tokens = model.embed_text(
self.template, use_cache=self.use_cache,
return_tensors=return_tensors, return_tokens=True,
def _embed_image(self, model, template, return_tensors='np', **kwargs):
Generate the encoded vision embeddings for an image.
if not model.has_vision:
raise RuntimeError(f"attempted to embed an image in the chat, but '{model.config.name}' was not a multimodal vision model")
# add the template prefix
embeddings = []
if template[0]:
embeddings.append(model.embed_text(template[0], use_cache=True, return_tensors=return_tensors))
# encode the image
image_outputs = model.embed_image(self.content, return_tensors=return_tensors, return_dict=True)
self.history.image_embedding = image_outputs.image_embeds # save the unprojected embeddings for RAG
# add the template trailer
template[1] = '\n' + template[1]
if template[1]:
embeddings.append(model.embed_text(template[1], use_cache=True, return_tensors=return_tensors))
# concatenate all embeddings
self.embedding = np.concatenate(embeddings, axis=1)
if self.history.print_stats:
#logging.debug(f"chat embed image shape={self.embedding.shape} dtype={self.embedding.dtype} template={template}")