Source code for nano_llm.plugins.bot_functions

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import json
import logging

import functools
import traceback

from decorator_args import decorator_args
from ...utils import inspect_function

[docs] @decorator_args(optional=True) def bot_function(func, name=None, docs=None, enabled=True): """ Decorator for exposing a function to be callable by the LLM. This will create wrapper functions that do the parsing to determine if this function was called in the output text, and then interpret it to invoke the function call. Text returned from these functions will be added to the chat. For example, this definition will expose the ``TIME()`` function to the bot:: @bot_function def TIME(): ''' Returns the current time. ''' return"%-I:%M %p") You should then add instructions for calling it to the system prompt so that the bot knows it's available. :meth:`BotFunctions.generate_docs` can automatically generate the function descriptions for you from their Python docstrings, which you can then add to the chat history. Args: func (Callable): The function to be called by the model. name (str): The function name that the model should refer to. By default, it will be the actual Python function name. docs (str): Description of the function that overrides its pydoc string. enabled (bool): Boolean that toggles whether this function is added to the system prompt and able to be called or not. """ return BotFunctions.register(func, name=name, docs=docs, enabled=enabled)
[docs] class BotFunctions: """ Manager of functions able to be called by the LLM that have been registered with the :func:`bot_function` decorator or :meth:`BotFunctions.register`. This is a singleton that is mostly intended to be used like a list, where ``BotFunction()`` returns the currently enabled functions. You can pass these to :meth:`NanoLLM.generate`, and they will be called inline with the generation:: model.generate( BotFunctions().generate_docs() + "What is the date?", functions=BotFunctions() ) :meth:`BotFunctions.generate_docs` will automatically generate function descriptions from their Python docstrings. You can filter and disable functions with :meth:`BotFunctions.filter` """ functions = [] builtins = []
[docs] def __new__(cls, all=False, load=True, test=False): """ Return the list of enabled functions whenever `BotFunctions()` is called, making it seem like you are just calling a function that returns a list:: for func in BotFunctions(): func("SQRT(64)") If `all=True`, then even the disabled functions will be included. If `load=True`, then the built-in functions will be loaded (if they haven't yet been). If `test=True`, then the built-in functions will be tested (if they haven't yet been). """ if load and not cls.builtins: cls.load(test=test) return cls.list(all=all)
def __class_getitem__(cls, index): """ Return the N-th registered function, like `BotFunctions[N]` """ return cls.functions[index]
[docs] @classmethod def len(cls): """ Returns the number of all registered bot functions. """ return len(cls.functions)
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, all=False): """ Return the list of all enabled functions available to the bot. If `all=True`, then even the disabled functions will be included. """ return cls.functions if all else [x for x in cls.functions if x.enabled]
[docs] @classmethod def filter(cls, filters, mode='enable'): """ Apply filters to the registered functions, either enabling or disabling them if their names are matched against the filter list. """ for filter in filters: for function in cls.functions: if == filter.lower(): function.enabled == mode.startswith('enable') return cls.list()
[docs] @classmethod def find(cls, name, functions=None): """ Find a function by name, or return None if not found """ if functions is None: functions = cls.functions if isinstance(functions, dict): return functions.get(name) for function in functions: if == name: return function
[docs] @classmethod def generate_docs(cls, prologue=True, epilogue=True, spec='python', functions=None): """ Collate the documentation strings from all the enabled functions """ if functions is None: functions = BotFunctions() if not isinstance(prologue, str): if prologue is None or prologue == False: prologue = '' elif prologue == True: if spec == 'python': prologue = "You are able to call the Python functions defined below, and the returned values will be added to the chat:\n\n" else: prologue = '' if not isinstance(epilogue, str): if epilogue is None or epilogue == False: epilogue = '' elif epilogue == True: if spec == 'python': epilogue = "\n\nFor example, if the user asks for the temperature, call the WEATHER() function." else: epilogue = '' if spec == 'python': docs = '\n'.join(['* ' + for x in functions if x.enabled]) elif spec == 'openai': docs = str([ for x in functions if x.enabled]) else: raise ValueError(f"supported function-calling tool specifications are 'openai' and 'python' (was spec={spec})") if prologue: docs = prologue + docs if epilogue: docs = docs + epilogue return docs
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, func, name=None, docs=None, enabled=True): """ See the docs for :func:`bot_function` """ name = name if name else func.__name__ regex = re.compile(f"{name}\(.*?\)") @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # this gets called from NanoLLM.generate() with `text` as the only arg, # which represents the entire response of the bot so far text = args[0] found_match = False for match in regex.finditer(text): # only evaluate what was just called (i.e. it is at the end of the reply) # also sometimes there are commas after the call inside the same token if match.end() >= len(text)-2: found_match=True break if not found_match: return None code_str = args[0][match.start():match.end()].strip('`') try: logging.debug(f"Running generated code `{code_str}`") return eval(code_str, {name : func}) except Exception as error: logging.error(f"Exception occurred executing generated code {code_str}\n\n{traceback.format_exc()}") return None if not docs: if wrapper.__doc__: docs = f"`{name}()` - " + wrapper.__doc__.strip() else: docs = name + '() ' = name = docs wrapper.spec = None wrapper.enabled = enabled wrapper.function = func wrapper.regex = regex wrapper.openai = inspect_function(func, return_spec='openai') cls.functions.append(wrapper) func._bot_function = wrapper return func
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, text, template=None, functions=None): """ Invoke any function calls in the output text and return the results. """ if not text: return None if functions is None: functions = BotFunctions() if template is None: # inline-style python/JSON function_text = '' for function in functions: output = function(text) if not output: continue function_text = ' ' + output return function_text if function_text else None if template.tool_spec != 'openai': raise RuntimeError("to run tools, the chat template needs to have keys for 'tool_call' and 'tool_response'") if 'tool_regex' not in template: template.tool_regex = re.compile(template.tool_call, flags=re.DOTALL) # allow for newlines in matches def parse_tools(text): try: for match in template.tool_regex.finditer(text): return json.loads( # extract what is inside any prefix/postfix tags except Exception as error: logging.warning(f"Exception occurred trying to parse tool calls from bot reply:\n\n```{text}```\n\n{traceback.format_exc()}") call = parse_tools(text) if call is None: return None logging.debug(f'invoking tool call {call}') if template.tool_spec == 'openai': func_name = call['name'] func_args = call.get('arguments', {}) else: raise ValueError("Tool calling is only currently supported with openai format") func = cls.find(func_name, functions=functions) if not func or not func.enabled: error = f"Error: could not find tool named '{func_name}'" logging.error(error) return error try: response = func.function(**func_args) except Exception as error: error = f"Exception occurred running tool {func_name}({func_args}) - {error}" logging.error(f"{error}\n\n{traceback.format_exc()}") return error if response is None: return None if template.tool_spec == 'openai': response = json.dumps({"name": func_name, "content": response}) return response
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, test=True): """ Load the built-in functions by importing their modules. """ if cls.builtins: return True # TODO: automate this from . import alert from . import clock from . import location #from . import weather #from . import home_assistant assert(cls.functions) cls.builtins = True if test: cls.test() return cls.functions
[docs] @classmethod def test(cls, disable_on_error=True): """ Test that the functions are able to be run, and disable them if not. Returns true if all tests passed, otherwise false. """"Bot function descriptions:\n{cls.generate_docs()}")"Testing bot functions:") had_error = False for function in cls.functions: try:" * {}() => '{function.function()}' ({})") except Exception as error: logging.error(f"Exception occurred testing bot function {}()\n\n{traceback.format_exc()}") had_error = True if disable_on_error: function.enabled = False return had_error